Let not mine enemies’ triumph over me.

by | Apr 30, 2018

“O my God, I trust in thee: let me not be ashamed, let not mine enemies triumph over me.”Psalm25: 2 KJV

David cried out to God for help to God to help him have complete victory over his enemies. He was a mere shepherd boy tending to his family’s sheep when he was called for and anointed as king. Did not lobby to become the king but was divinely chosen yet the opposition was fierce. For 13 years after being anointed, he was still running form forces that did not want him to become what God has purposed.

However, no matter what the enemy tried God’s purpose certainly came to pass in his life.

Where are you today and what are you going through?

God who has purposed your life before the foundations of the world will surely see to the fulfillment of it in Jesus name.

“God-of-the-Angel-Armies speaks: “Exactly as I planned, it will happen. Following my blueprints, it will take shape. I will shatter the Assyrian who trespasses my land and stomp him into the dirt on my mountains. I will ban his taking and making of slaves and lift the weight of oppression from all shoulders.” This is the plan, plan for the whole earth, And this is the hand that will do it, reaching into every nation. God-of-the-Angel-Armies has planned it. Who could ever cancel such plans? His is the hand that’s reached out. Who could brush it aside?” Isaiah 14:27 (MSG)

No matter the pressure that you may be going through trust in God.

HE did not cause David to be ashamed.

HE will not allow you to be put to shame too.

Your enemies in whatever manner shape or forms are confronting you right now will not triumph over you in Jesus Name. 

God has the final say in your life.

Exactly as God planned David became the king, so also your destiny will be fulfilled as you keep your wholesome trust in HIM. 

Your enemy will not triumph over you. 

“Who has the final say?

Jehovah has the final say

Who has the final say?

Jehovah has the final say”


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