It’s Not Mine to Give.

by | Sep 16, 2019

It’s Not Mine to Give.
 “And he saith unto them, Ye shall drink indeed of My cup, and be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with: but to sit on my right hand, and on my left, is not mine to give, but it shall be given to them for whom it is prepared of my Father.”  (Matthew 20:23) KJV
Jesus told the mother of Zebedee’s sons that who sits on His right or left was not for Him to give but for the Father.
Do we take time to reflect and understand this when we appoint people to serve in the church?
Are we conscious of this truth that positions in the body of Christ are the exclusive prerogative of the OWNER of that body?
In appointing people to positions of responsibilities in the work of God at any level, we should take time to ask the actual owner of the work. Which as our Lord Jesus Christ said in the above scriptures, that it belongs to God.
We should be reminded by this verse that God is the owner of His work. Therefore, we should always find out from Him whom He would want to appoint to serve in any capacity in His work be it a church or ministry.
It should also serve as an awakening thought to all of us that because it is His work we will, therefore, give an account to Him of what we have done here on earth,
 He still determines the reward that we will get in heaven.
With what motives are you, therefore, giving out His work for others to do? 
How do you invite speakers for the program He asked you to do for His Glory? 

Prayerfully find out from God whom He has purposed from heaven to carry out that assignment.


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