If thou hast run with the footmen

by | May 11, 2018

If thou hast run with the footmen

If thou hast run with the footmen, and they have wearied thee, then how canst thou contend with horses? And if in the land of peace, wherein thou trustedst, they wearied thee, then how wilt thou do in the swelling of Jordan? Jeremiah 12:5 {KJV}

Don’t be discouraged nor give up easily over your purposeful life.

What are the current challenges that you are facing that seems insurmountable?

Worse still the enemy is trying to tell you that the trouble is too much and the hardship or difficulty is getting more than you can bear. 

Today God is reminding you that the Greater One lives inside of you than all those oppositions put together.

For every level of assignment, Jesus handled like a man the enemy was there to challenge him, and it kept escalating the opposition to the final extent of killing HIM. However that was his folly, had he known he would not have crucified HIM. (None of the rulers of this age recognized and understood this wisdom; for if they had, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory;) 1 Corinthians 2:28

As the enemy thinks he has gotten you rounded up God has made a way of escape for you. Be Still. Hear Him, and HE is showing you the way out of that challenge.

As you grow in your purposeful life he will keep bringing challenges but inside of you is the same Savior that defeated Him on the cross and HE will defeat Him again and again in your life.

“So, Jeremiah, if you’re worn out in this footrace with men, what makes you think you can race against horses?

And if you can’t keep your wits during times of calm, what’s going to happen when troubles break loose like the Jordan flood?

Those closest to you, your brothers and cousins, are working against you.

They’re out to get you. They’ll stop at nothing.

Don’t trust them, especially when they’re smiling.”  Jeremiah 12: 5-6(MSG)

Don’t Give Up. 


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