I was overjoyed when they said…

by | Jun 28, 2021

I was overjoyed when they said…
“I was overjoyed when they said, “Let’s go up to the house of the Lord.” And now, at last, we stand here, inside the very gates of Jerusalem! O Jerusalem, you were built as a city of praise, where God and man mingle together. This is where all the tribes of Yahweh are required to come and worship him. This is where the thrones of kings have been established to rule in righteousness; even King David ruled from here.”
Psalm 122:1-5 (TPT)
Do you still have that radiating joy in you at all times?
Especially when it comes to joining others to Worship God in His House.
Whether you join by internet or you are physically there:
Are you still overjoyed with the opportunity of worshiping God with others?
Worshiping God with others should not be a routine.
Neither should you be sad because you don’t have something good to wear.
Going to the house of the Lord is not a fashion show.
Indeed, it also not for your fleshy entertainment.
Not where to go and learn or show off your latest:
Latest dress
Latest dance steps
Latest car.
Hear what the man after God’s own heart say it is for:
A place of Praise to the Almighty God.
A place where God and man mingle together.
A sacred Place
A Holy Place.
Jesus in His time drove out those who were buying and selling in the temple.
Today some have made it their business to conduct :
Their personal business right during worship time.
They hardly participate in corporate prayers and worship.
Their eyes are on what time is because they want to sell their products to their brethren.
They easily criticize the Pastor for preaching “too long.”
The place of corporate fellowship is a place about God and God alone being glorified.
It is a place where the Kingdom’s mandate is renewed and strengthened.
Anything outside what God has purposed it to drain out that joy.
Today what is your real motive in going to the house of the Lord ?.


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