How Do You Pray?

by | Mar 11, 2022

How Do You Pray?
“Hear the right, O Lord, attend unto my cry, give ear unto my prayer, that goeth not out of feigned lips.” Ps 17.1 (KJV).
How do you pray?
Often, we start to pray, then something triggers our mind.
Are you easily distracted?
Even though we keep on praying, our thoughts are elsewhere.
Often, we ask God to help us with a problem:
However, our actions show we do not believe He will help.
Sometimes we just pray out of habit.
How do you feel if you talk to your friend, but your friend does not listen? How do you feel when your friend just talks but does not say anything worthwhile?
When we pray to God, we do not pray to anybody.
We pray to the Almighty God.
Pray uprightly.
Pray with faith.
Ask with sincerity.
Believe God can help.
Pray with Focus.
“Listen to me, Lord. Hear the passionate prayer of this honest man. My cause is just, and my need is real. I’ve done what’s right, and my lips speak truth.” Psalms 17:1 TPT
Are you an honest person?
Are your lips speaking the truth?
Do you want God to hear you?
Do you want God to help you?
Application to the Christian life:
Pray to God with a sincere heart.
Trust God who can and will help you.
Have a pure heart.


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