Honor Your Parents.

by | Jan 19, 2022

Honor Your Parents.
“Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.” Exodus 20:12.(KJV).
God gave Ten commandments.
Only one has a promise.
All the others were clear directives.
If you honor your father and mother:
Your days will be long in the land God gives unto you.
Why will God give a promise to only one commandment?
Why did He not give a promise to any other commandment?
To God, this commandment is fundamental.
Honor your parents.
They may not be the best people on earth.
You would not exist if it were not for them.
They gave you the opportunity to live a life that will give you eternal life.
Jesus demonstrated a balanced relationship with His parents.
Without arrogance, He told them of His purpose in life.
Do you want eternal life with God?
Do as He commanded you to do.
Application to the Christian life:
Honor your parents, regardless of who they are.
They are the parents God gave you.
Jesus honored His parents.
Follow Jesus.


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