Hear The Voice Of The Lord.

by | Oct 14, 2022

Hear The Voice Of The Lord.
“Therefore Eli said unto Samuel, Go, lie down: and it shall be, if he call thee, that thou shalt say, Speak, Lord: for thy servant heareth. So Samuel went and lay down in his place.” 1 Sam.3:9.(KJV).
Do you hear the voice of God?
Samuel was young when he heard God’s voice for the first time.
He did not know it was God’s calling.
Eli had to teach him to recognize the voice of the Lord. Eli also had to teach him how to respond to the call of the Lord.
Did you learn to recognize the call of the Lord?
Where will you find Him?
You will first learn to recognize His voice in His Word.
“If you really knew God, you would listen, receive, and respond with faith to his words. But since you don’t listen and respond to what he says, it proves you don’t belong to him and you have no room for him in your hearts.”
John 8:47 (TPT)
Once you recognize His voice:
You will hear him in everything you do.
Allow God to speak to you.
HE speaks through the Holy Spirit.
Respond to Him.
Application to the Christian life:
Learn to recognize God’s voice.
Listen carefully to hear Him.
Listen and obey Him.


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