He said, Come!

by | Mar 8, 2019

He said, Come!

“And Peter answered Him, Lord, if it is You, command me to come to You on the water. He said, Come! So Peter got out of the boat and walked on water, and he came toward Jesus.” Matthew 14:28-29 (AMPC)

Based upon the Word from Lord Peter stepped out by Faith and walked upon the waters.

Yes, Peter initially walked upon the waters solely upon the word he heard from the Lord.

Many of us look down on that story because after he started walking on the waters, he got distracted and began to sink.

However, that does not take away from the true principle that he heard the spoken word from Jesus and he obeyed.

Even when He began to sink he was almost at his destination because the scriptures tell us that Jesus reached out to him and pulled him to Him.

What Word are you standing upon today to walk towards your own miracle?

Peter heard clearly “Come.”

Jesus said upon this revelation, that is the given Word of God  HE will build His Church. (Matthew 16:18)

By His Grace now you know better than to allow your background or the facts around you to distract you from your miracle. Peter being a fisherman permitted the analysis of the waters , considered the boisterous winds, and he began to sink.

Stay focused on the Word God has given you and do the miraculous you desire without the distractions.

“Peter shouted out, “Lord, if it’s really you, then have me join you on the water!” “Come and join me,” Jesus replied. So Peter stepped out onto the water and began to walk toward Jesus.”  Matthew 14:28-29  (TPT)

Walk towards your miracle today based on the spoken Word He has given You!.


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