Happy Mother’s Day Big Sister Mi.

by | Jun 14, 2014

This Mother’s day we want to talk about Big Sister Mi., Yes Big Sister Miriam. We first met her in Exodus 2 v 4 “4 His sister stationed herself at a distance to find out what would happen to him”  she was watching over baby Moses who could no longer be hidden at home and was placed  in a floating basket on the river  . Miriam had that great sense of responsibility to watch over Moses and quickly with a rare wisdom and courage helped to get their mother to become the official nurse to raise baby Moses on behalf of Pharaoh’s daughter .From this introduction we also discovered that Miriam also had a younger brother Aaron about 3 years older than baby Moses at this time which possibly put her own age about 6-7 years. When God later on visited HIS people by sending Moses back as their deliverer we find out that Big Sister was there too supportive of this vision and was totally committed to the vision. It was a unique privilege for this family for the trio sister and brothers to be prophetess and prophets of God Indeed they carried out this great assignment very well till we see in Numbers 12 “12:1 Then Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses because of the Cushite woman he had married (for he had married an Ethiopian woman)” and because of this God rebuked and judged her but Moses, the meekest man as the Bible describes him interceded and God healed and restored her.
Today we want to salute the Miriam’s in our mothers. Many mothers today have had the unique roles of been there all the way for their younger brothers and even sisters. They have played different roles in the lives of their sibling I recall seeing a young girl every morning on the Bus going to work who will take care of her two brothers ensure they get on the bus wake them up when it’s time to get to their bus stops, She will ensure that they do not forget anything on the bus.  However one day she was quite sick and she was vomiting her two brothers could only watch helplessly as she got a plastic bag to vomit into, in spite of being sick she still pulled herself together to make it to school that day.
I am privileged to be married to beautiful and charming wife, Olutoyin who also happened to be the first born big sister of her family. I do salute her courage and sacrifices she has made on behalf of her siblings.  Many mothers hearing or reading this today you too can tell your stories and experiences of you being there for your own family. Many had to do two three jobs to assist the family because like Miriam you are sold into the vision and purpose of God for your family.
Today we can learn from Miriam and not play the role of God in any situation. We would take matters up with God since we have the privilege of talking with HIM rather than join a group or other family members to gang up against one another. As we could see the  God of mercy, healing and restoring Miriam so also HE will heal and restore you if you have taken a step outside God’s will. Many of you by the grace of God did not falter where Miriam stumbled .We do thank God for your challenging life . Even though we never read of Miriam having her own biological children but she played the role of mother from her childhood. So we salute mothers like Miriam today who has not had physical children of their own but has raised a lot of children.
Today You should rise like Miriam did in Exodus 15 to worship and praise God for not only being  a mother but also a big Sister who had or who is and will play her role well.
Happy Mother’s day Big Sister Mi.


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