Great is the Lord, and highly to be praised.

by | Jun 10, 2019

Great is the Lord, and highly to be praised. 
“ Great is the Lord, and highly to be praised in the city of our God! His holy mountain, Fair and beautiful in elevation, is the joy of all the earth. of the Great King! God has made Himself known in her palaces as a Refuge (a High Tower and a Stronghold).”  Psalm 48:1-3 AMPC
God is worthy of being Praised at all times and in all situations in your life.
When Hezekiah faced the enemy king of Assyria he initially tried to use diplomacy and negotiations to get out of the problem(2 Kings 18:13-15)
However, the enemy did not stop there.
He continued to ridicule God and His people.
Finally, Hezekiah completely turned over everything to God, and he had total victory.
This psalm was written to commemorate the defeat of the Assyrian army in the days of King Hezekiah.
There are so many reasons to describe God as fantastic!
So many reasons to praise him with unlimited praise
Whatsoever the noise, mockery and embarrassing situations around you today
Call upon God, surrender the challenges to Him, and continually give  Him High Praises.
Diligently obey His instructions to you.
God defeated all the loud and boisterous opposition around Hezekiah.
As You Greatly Praise Him all oppositions around you are taken care of in Jesus 
How great is the Lord! How much we should praise Him.
Great is the Lord and Greatly to be Praised. 


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