God’s Name Is Holy.

by | Aug 19, 2022

God’s Name Is Holy.
“Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.” Exodus 20:7. (KJV).
Do not take the name of God in vain.
How often do you do this?
“Pastor, why are you bringing up old testament stuff?”
Do you joke around with the name of someone you love or highly respect?
However, during a conversation, you may exclaim: “oh, my God!” or when shocked or amazed at something:
You say something like: “Jesus, what is that!”
Were you talking to God or to your friend?
Why do you call God or Jesus’s name to something you don’t mean?
When you really need to call Him:
To answer you, guide you, and intervene
Is that name still reverently called?
“We live in the time of Grace, I hear you say.”
Yes, we do but look at the perfect example we have in our Lord Jesus Christ.
He did not call God anyhow, but He answered every time He called Him.
It was a relationship of Love, respect, and mutual understanding.
True, you can call Abba Father.
He will hear you.
God is holy, omnipotent, and mighty. Fear Him with godly fear.
Don’t laugh and joke using His Hallowed Name with your friends who don’t know him as their Lord and Saviour.
Don’t be comfortable where Jesus Christ is not honored and respected.
They are drawn to His Love and care depending on how they see you handle His Name.
Sometimes you know how people value a person they love, cherish and honor through how they talk and mention the name of the person.
Let someone meet God through how you use His name.
Application to the Christian life:
Honour God.
Do not use His name in vain.
Glorify and honor His name.


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