For I absolutely know who I am, where I’ve come from, and where I’m going.

by | May 17, 2021

For I absolutely know who I am, where I’ve come from, and where I’m going.
“Jesus responded, “Just because I am the one making these claims doesn’t mean they’re invalid. For I absolutely know who I am, where I’ve come from, and where I’m going. But you Pharisees have no idea about what I’m saying. For you’ve set yourselves up as judges of others based on outward appearances, but I certainly never judge others in that way. For I discern the truth. And I am not alone in my judgments, for my Father and I have the same understanding in all things, and he has sent me to you.” John 8:14-16 (TPT)

Do you know who you are?

Do you know where you have come from?
Do you know where you are going?
Our Lord and Savior absolutely knew all these.
Do you?
Year in Year out.

What direction are you headed in life?
Don’t just be pushing through.
Which direction are you headed?
Don’t just be full of activities.
What have you been doing?
What are you doing now?
What are you planning to do?
All must add up clearly as our Lord has said about Himself.
Don’t just rush through life.
What is the purposeful assignment in life God has given you?
Evaluate where you are Spiritually, Physically, and Emotionally.
All the areas of your life should be in sync with your purpose.
It is never too late to take time and seek God’s face.
Don’t set out sailing without your clear destination.
Reflect on this in all the aspects of your life.
Jesus said:
“I know where I came from and where I’m going.”
Do You?


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