Do you have what you need?

by | Jun 15, 2022

Do you have what you need?
“For he that hath, to him shall be given: and he that hath not, from him shall be taken even that which he hath.” Mark 4:25. (KJV).
That seems unfair.
Why should the person who already has, receive more?
Why must the person who does not have, lose even the little bit he thought he had?
When a person has much, he uses it, and it increases.
When a person has little, he either saves it from fear it will damage or mess it up because he does not know how to treat it.
God gave you talents.
He expects you to increase those talents.
If you do not use your talents, they will be taken away from you.
If you can sing but never do, you will eventually be unable to sing so beautifully anymore.
If you cannot sing, you practice singing.
Eventually, you will be able to sing.
Do you want more talents?
What are you going to do about it?
Step out in faith today.
Use those talents God has given you.
Don’t be afraid of human judgment.
Daily Increase in your skills.
Glorify God with all that you have.
Application to the Christian life:
Use the gifts God gave you.
Work for God, and do not be afraid.


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