Do not desire to possess anything that belongs to another person.

by | Oct 2, 2020

Do not desire to possess anything that belongs to another person.
“Do not desire to possess anything that belongs to another person—not a house, a wife, a husband, a slave, an ox, a donkey, or anything else.”
Exodus 20:17 (CEVDCI)
One of the most significant challenges of the world we live in today is people not been contented with what God has given them.
Most people want what belongs to someone else.
Watch little children when they are given different toys.
Very shortly, they want the same toy the next child has.
The same warning God gave Israel’s children soon after He freed them from slavery is still applicable to us today.
Those laws were to guide them into true freedom and make them possess their promised land.
You want to stay free from bondage and oppression?
“Never desire to take your neighbor’s household away from him. “Never desire to take your neighbor’s wife, his male or female slave, his ox, his donkey, or anything else that belongs to him.”
Exodus 20:17(GW)
You may ask Pastor, why are you old school today?
Talking about Moses’s law today in this global modern age of civilization and advancement in technology?
Let me remind you:
“Don’t ever think that I came to set aside Moses’ Teachings or the Prophets. I didn’t come to set them aside but to make them come true.
Matthew 5:17(GW)
In Christ Jesus, you have the Grace to live above sin and reproach.
Be Content with what God has given you.
(Hebrews 13:5)
Yes, your destiny comes custom made,
Specially designed and packaged only for you.
Stay on your own lane.
Remain focused on the assignment HE has given you.
Sometimes people buy things not because they need it.
They buy them because they see it with others.
Remain focused and faithful to only what He has given you.
That is where your abundance of Blessings will be fully manifested.
The pasture is not necessarily greener on the other side.
Tend to yours the way it should be, and you don’t need to live out a fallacy before discovering the bitter truth.
The grass is greenest, where it is watered.


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