Divine Favor is a Continuous Flow.

by | Nov 4, 2019

Divine Favor is a Continuous Flow.

 “And the angel came in unto her, and said, Hail, thou that art highly favored, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women.” 
(Luke 1:28) KJV
Divine favor does not just happen once and cease. 
Divine favor is continuous and available for every level of assignment or challenge that you may have.
Divine favor can be defined as an unusual grace that causes nature and humanity to cooperate with you to bring God’s purpose to pass. 
That means to experience divine favor You must have a God-given assignment.
 As you ask for Divine support, 
it must be on a God-given task, even when you desire to have wealth, it must be to glorify God and achieve His purpose.
God gave the Israelites a divine favor for wealth because they would need it to build the tabernacle. 
They had grave consequences when they misused it for the golden calf. Daniel and David also experienced divine favor in their God-given assignments.
Divine favor made Esther have both physical beauty and inner beauty. Divine favor made her become a part of the nominees to replace queen Vashti that was deposed. Divine favor caused her to be liked by the kings’ chief that took care of the virgins that were selected for the competition. Divine favor caused her to be chosen as queen. When she heard about the plot against the Jews, divine favor made the king extend the scepter for her to come into his presence. Divine favor made her secure judgment for Mordecai.
“For You, O Lord will bless the righteous; with favor, You will surround him as with a shield” (Psalm 5:12).  

As we continue to put our trust in HIM, divine favor is like a shield that covers all the essential areas we need.


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