Did you see the acts of God?

by | Oct 26, 2022

Did you see the acts of God?
“But your eyes have seen all the great acts of the Lord which he did.” Deuteronomy 11:7(KJV).
Have you been observing the great things God has been doing in your life?
Do you keep to heart those various testimonies?
If you did, no challenge is too big.
Believe God can help you with everything.
Trust Him to guide you.
The children of Israel saw many incredible miracles.
However, when they faced a fresh challenge.
They panicked.
Don’t be like them.
Remember, Revisit your testimonies.
“I have more understanding than all my teachers: for thy testimonies are my meditation.”Psalm 119:99
God will not only do it again.
More extraordinary things He will do.
You not only see them.
You understand why He does them.
You see His Act and Understand His Ways.
Share your testimonies to encourage yourself and others.
Please watch the Sunday Class School on :
Testimonies The Pathway To Victories.


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