Call Upon The Lord.

by | Nov 9, 2022

Call Upon The Lord.
“I will call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised: so shall I be saved from mine enemies.” 2 Sam. 22:4.(KJV).
God delivered David from his enemies.
David sang a song honoring God.
He recognized the marvelous thing God had done for him.
David did not just call on God for help.
He thanked God for the help.
He honored God for His help.
He humiliated himself before God.
David realized he could do nothing without God.
Do you realize you can do nothing without God’s help? Do you thank God for delivering you from evil?
Jesus Healed Ten lepers. ( Luke 17:11-19)
Only One came back to give thanks.
Be that One person today that returned to thank God.
Application to the Christian life:
Honor and Praise God.
He is good and mighty.
He helps in need.
He also leads and guides you.
Thank Him for helping you.


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