But the flesh is weak.

by | Dec 27, 2017

“Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.” Matthew 26:41
There is a story about a man several years ago who invested in the Colorado gold mines, and after getting some gold the pit seems to dry up, and he sold off the land and the equipment to the janitor and went back to his city. The janitor searched for an engineer who helped him trace the dike and discovered that the previous owner was just three inches away from the real and more significant deposit of gold. The first guy got tired and discouraged within only three more inches of digging in the right direction that would have changed his fortune.
Jesus Christ told his disciples to pray more so as not to enter into temptation but they yielded to their flesh and slept off.
The year 2017 is gradually coming to its end, and you are contemplating giving up on some of the promises of God you have believed.
Don’t give up like that discouraged gold miner or sleep off like the disciples.
Stir up your spirit and encourage yourself in the Holy Ghost.
God is more than able to make this 2017 a fulfilling year for you.  
Follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit, pray and keep rejoicing in the Lord because God remains Faithful to His word.
Peter’s bold confession and promises to God could not manifest because he could not then pray, as he should. Learn from that and pray and do the things the Holy Spirit asked you to do.
Pray more, Give more, Love more, and Praise more. Don’t yield to the flesh.  


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