As this little child

by | Apr 29, 2022

As this little child
“Whosoever, therefore, shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.” Matt.18:4 (KJV).
Can you be like a child?
What do you do when you differ from your friend? What do you do after an argument with your friend?
Why will a child be great in the Kingdom of God rather than a grown-up?
A child does not argue.
When a child disagrees, he does not try to convince the other person.
A child does not try to impress others with his knowledge.
A child may fight with his friend, but it will soon be forgotten.
After a short while, they will play again.
Can you do those things with your friends?
How long after an argument do you refuse to talk to your friend?
Do you insist on proving you are right and he is wrong?
Do you want to impress your friends with your knowledge or abilities?
Are you high-minded?
Application to the Christian life:
Be humble as a child.
Submit yourself to the will of God.
Accept His guidance in your life.
Listen to Jesus and follow Him with a pure heart.


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