Be Righteous Before God.

Be Righteous Before God.
“And the Lord said unto Noah, Come thou and thy house into the ark; for thee have I seen righteous before me in this generation.” Gen. 7:1. (KJV).
Noah was allowed into the ark.
He was also allowed to take his whole family with him.
Nobody else was allowed to follow him.
Why was Noah allowed into the ark? Because he was righteous before God. Because of him, his family also found grace in the sight of the Lord.
Noah did not allow his friends to intimidate him.
He did not fall for peer pressure.
He stood firm in his beliefs.
He trusted God and did what God expected of him.
How resolved are you in your heart in following God all the way?
Would you like your family to be with you in serving God.?
“And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.” Acts 16:31 (KJV)
Through Christ, you will receive grace to enter the Kingdom of God.
Application to the Christian life:
Give your life to Jesus.
Let Jesus be your example.
Follow Him.
Listen to Him.
Honor God with a pure heart.

Do Not Be Afraid.

Do Not Be Afraid.
“After these things, the word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision, saying, Fear not, Abram: I am thy shield, and thy exceeding great reward.”
Gen. 15:1 (KJV).
Abram had just finished rescuing Lot.
Remember, Lot was taken captive.
Abram had to save them.
Everything was back to normal.
God then appeared to Abram in the vision, telling him not to fear.
Why did God not tell Abram not to fear before saving Lot?
There was no time for talking.
Abram had to act fast.
Did that mean God was not with Abram? No, God was present during the rescue. God helped Abram to get his family back.
Do you go through difficult times?
Especially on behalf of the larger family?
Do you sometimes ask yourself:
What is in it for me?
In all these helps I am doing?
Do you feel God is not present?
Can you see the total picture?
“But Abram said, “Sovereign Lord, what can you give me since I remain childless…
Do not be afraid.
As you take care of others.
Lot that he went to rescue already had a family.
Abram, at that time, only had his chief servant.
“Chief of staff,” as you will call it today.
No heir.
HE got your back.
God sees and knows your labor of love.
God is present.
Sometimes you only see Him after everything is completed.
Then you see how God helped you through all your dark moments.
Don’t cease in your labor of love.
Application to the Christian life:
Do not despair when you go through difficult times.
God knows everything.
God also knows what to do to solve your problem.
Trust Him.
Honor and praise Him even when you struggle.

The Yoke of Jesus.

The Yoke of Jesus.
“Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.” Matt. 11:29. (KJV).
Do you know what a yoke is?
It was used as part of a harness to pull a cart.
It was also used to bind slaves together during a journey.
Jesus used the yoke to imply the relationship to Him.
The only difference is that this yoke makes free rather than bind.
To follow Jesus means to do as He asks.
By following Him, you are made free of sin.
Jesus also said we must learn from Him. The yoke is to adopt the nature of Jesus.
You should be gentle, humble, patient, and forgiving.
Can you take the yoke of Jesus upon you?
Embrace and allow the Fruit of the Spirit to dwell in you.
Application to the Christian life:
Take the yoke of Jesus upon you.
Daily Learn from Him.

Do not be afraid.

Do not be afraid.
“Thou shalt not be afraid of them; for Jehovah, thy God is in thy midst, a God great and terrible.”
Deuteronomy 7:21 (Darby )
Are you afraid of your people?
Has someone threatened you?
Are you been bullied?
Maybe they think you are a “weirdo” following Jesus?
It does not matter what you are scared or afraid of.
Be assured God is with you.
The Israelites had many nations to conquer.
Of the twelve men spying on the country, only two had faith in God.
The rest were scared of the “big people.”
They seemed like giants.
But Joshua and Caleb trusted God. They did not allow fear to intimidate them.
They were the only two of the group to enter the promised land.
Do you want to enter the promised land?
Do you want all that God has told you fulfilled?
Don’t be afraid.
Will you allow your fear to prevent you from serving God?
“So don’t be intimidated by them. God, your God, is among you—majestic God, awesome God. God, your God, will get rid of these nations, bit by bit. You won’t be permitted to wipe them out all at once lest the wild animals take over and overwhelm you. But God, your God, will move them out of your way—he’ll throw them into a huge panic until there’s nothing left of them. He’ll turn their kings over to you and you’ll remove all trace of them under Heaven. Not one person will be able to stand up to you; you’ll put an end to them all.”
Deuteronomy 7:21-24
Application to the Christian life:
Trust God.
Do not be afraid.
Serve Him.
Allow God to guide you.

The Power Of Prayer.

The Power Of Prayer.
“The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination to the Lord: but the prayer of the upright is his delight.”
Proverbs 15:8. (KJV).
Do you pray often?
Why do you pray?
Is it to impress people?
Maybe you want God to know what a good person you are.
When you pray:
You talk to God.
You can only talk to God if you believe in Him.
Prayer reminds you of who you are and who God is.
God hears your prayer.
He can do miracles.
Prayer also reminds you how you should conduct your life.
Do you get closer to God when you pray?
Application to the Christian life:
Pray constantly.
Pray Consistently.
Experience the power of prayer.
Get close to Him.
Experience His love.

Develop Your Talents.

Develop Your Talents.
“But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal.”
1 Cor. 12:7.(KJV).
Do you envy successful people?
“No, I am a Christian. I don’t envy people.”
I hear you.
Sometimes you wish you were more successful, right?
Why can you not be more successful?
What do your friends do that you cannot do?
God gave everyone talents.
You must work with what God gave you. How can you find the talents God gave you?
Be active in the work of God.
Help others solve their challenges.
You can not be an island to yourself.
It is in helping people that some of your hidden talents come out.
Only when you do something, do you find that which was hidden.
You may not be famous in the world, but you can be in the work of God.
God knows you and wants you to increase.
Remember the parable of the talents.
Matthew 25:14-30.
Application to the Christian life:
Be active in the work of God.
Develop your talents.
Find new talents.
Serve God.