
Made For Relationship
Growing up in the Christian culture of Nigeria, Dr. Abimbola Alabi, president of City of Refuge Ministries, faced obstacles in his young life and made mistakes along the way. However, his experiences taught him life lessons which he uses in Made for Relationship. This autobiographical account of the relationships he had in his youth and the ones he observed around him conveys deep spiritual truths designed to help others along the way. This intense love story of the path that lead him to find his own soulmate reveals the depths of the author’s understanding of the human heart and the place God should have in all human relationships. Made for Relationship is both an open-hearted confession and a coming-of-age story which reflects the culture of the author’s youth and the valuable message he has for others who are seeking God’s blessings on their own lives and relationships.
Dr. Abimbola Alabi, president of City of Refuge Ministries, relates his own coming-of age story in this deeply personal memoir of his early life in Nigeria and the path that lead him to his own soulmate. Made for Relationship reveals the depths of the author’s understanding of the human heart and offers valuable advice for others seeking God’s blessings on their own lives and relationships.

Empowering You to Fulfill Your Destiny: A Daily Devotional
Discover the most exhilarating truth you will ever hear. GOD IS STILL ON THE THRONE! You may be swimming in a tsunami of trials and feel as if you have been left to fight this battle alone, but fear not because HE has promised never to leave nor forsake you.
This daily devotional will assist you in getting to know Jesus on a more personal and deeper level. When you saturate yourself in HIS word, HE will begin to reveal HIS heart to you and you will start to see the Lord at work in your life.
Whether you are living in a season of overflow or you are walking through the valley of the shadow of death, Jesus is very much alive and present un your life. The question is do you recognize His voice, do you trust that He is still walking with you, do you recognize His comforting hand when it is upon you? If you have answered “No” to any of these questions, don’t worry, the word of the Lord is about to invade your life through the pages of this book.
As you dedicate yourself to studying god’s word on a daily basis, His spirit will come alive in you like never before. The same power that lifted Jesus Christ out of the grave will resurrect every dead place in your life.
This daily devotional will catapult those who the Lord has called into the destiny that was created for them before the foundation of the earth.

Life Management Lessons from Zacchareus
Management principles and application are essential skillsets that organizations need to survive and remain competitive in the global market. But these skillsets are values that people develop, apply to their own lives, and contribute to the organization they serve or own. The success of the organization is a reflection of the talents that recognize the virtues of visioning, planning, and doing.
With The Management Lessons From Zacchaeus, Dr. Alabi deftly weaves the story of a self-made man who wanted more in life. Despite his notable flaws and barriers, he was able to effectively put planning to practice and achieve results that surpassed his expectations. By following the personal journey of this man, the author was able to highlight core principles that we can benefit from in order to make our success aspirations a reality. This book is a manual for daily reflection; a must-read for everyone.